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The Dawn of Instinct

The story of Instinct began in 1972 during my high school days. A photographer named Mike Duff swam out to Dairy Beach in Durban and captured a photo of me surfing. That image, my very first taken from the water, was published in the local paper, the Daily News. I was just 15 and absolutely thrilled! Back then, surfboards weren’t the branding billboards they are today—each board typically featured a single, small logo to identify its maker, like Safari, Holmes, or Wetteland in my hometown.

Born from Vision

Derek Berry, an artist and friend of my dad’s, created a graphic from that photo, and my dad thought it would make a great logo for my next board. Being a shy kid, I hesitated and told him, “Oh no, Dad, it’s too big.” But he wasn’t having it. “Here’s the deal, son,” he said, “if you don’t put the logo on, I’m not buying the board.” It was a bit of tough love, but my dad instinctively understood the power of a simple, bold, and—most importantly—authentic logo.

That logo ended up on every board I rode throughout my career. It became the symbol of Instinct when I founded the brand, and eventually, millions of units carried that image. The logo became part of my identity, and I owe it all to my dad’s vision. Every time I see the Instinct logo, I’m reminded of him.

Surfing's Spirit Captured

In the early '80s, surf brand advertising was fairly one-dimensional, typically featuring a famous surfer in boardshorts riding waves in some exotic location. But when Instinct teamed up with the award-winning Rod Dyer Group, everything changed. The agency created a series of groundbreaking ads that captured the true spirit of surfing—both in and out of the water. Suddenly, everyone, whether they’d ever set foot in the ocean or not, wanted to be part of it. These iconic ads remain instantly recognizable, with taglines that are still quoted today.

The Surfers Code

The best moments in my surfing life were spent inside the tube, when I was riding on instinct. When I was surfing at my very best, I felt I could slow time, and curve the wall to my will. I was riding in a state of flow perfectly connected to the wave and to the universe by the inner rhythm. Instinct is defined by celebrating this essential surfing experience.

It doesn't matter whether you're the number one rated surfer in the world, someone who's just starting on the surfing journey, or someone who's never been in the water. Surfing has a special attraction and a unique allure and with instinct I aim to build clothing that captures that magical feeling.

An important focus in my life is the nonprofit work I do with my wife Carla to empower young people to make positive choices through the Surferʼs Code Foundation through the Think Twice Foundation, where each person can find a way to find their own power and their own purpose to find their own path through writing their own Code. I wrote Surferʼs Code many years ago – 12 lines, each beginning with “I will…” - a distillation of the 12 most important lessons that surfing had taught me about life. One of my favorite lines is “I will pass on my stoke” and with Instinct I shall be doing just that – passing on my stoke to inspire all to live a purposeful and meaningful life by connecting with each other and the beautiful ocean.

Shaun Tomson |

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The CODE Method is an academically validated self-development program that inspires, uplifts and connects individuals and teams. It helps activate internal strength to combat despair and emotionally re-engages individuals through the power of purpose.

Built around 12 promises that individuals write and share, The CODE is an effective tool to create a powerful, positive and purposeful attitude to navigate the uncertainty and turbulence of life.

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